VFPUtils Article By: M. Asherman

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Old Notes About the Reporter Application

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Author's note: the following article was produced from the previous text-based version of the Reporter documentation and task list (reporter.txt) last updated on 11/27/99.  I transformed this text file mechanically into HTML with minimal editing to put it into a more useful, legible form.  There will be no further revisions of reporter.txt, as this task list has been superseded by the new Reporter Development Tasks page and its accompanying section in the table of contents, which is handled with a FrontPage include file for the outline of tasks.  The tasks described in these old notes will eventually be assimilated into the new system, but this will be a gradual process.

Preliminary Notes About the Generic Reporter Application
By M. Asherman, 11/27/99


The Reporter application is a generic table-driven facility for defining canned reports and "COPY TO" operations. It supports actions to Create, Modify, or Run a canned report, with optional user-defined arguments. To get a quick overview, start by running the following VFP command:

? reporter()

This will bring up a report destination dialog corresponding to the first sample report. To view the sample report definitions, exit from the preceding dialog and browse the table that was implicitly opened (alias reportdf) by the previous command. See the Notes memo field for each of the sample reports. You will find it useful to make use of VFP's browse preferences to open up a bunch of memo windows and adjust their sizing and placement, so that BROWSE LAST will restore this arrangement.

Note that the reporter() function is really just a wrapper for the Reporter class (in reporter.vcx). Developers may wish to use the pure class-based interface in order to exercise greater control over the choice of meta-file and data session.

To clean up after testing reporter() without closing out the current VFP session, use the this command:


This will release the default Reporter object and close the meta-file. This is mainly useful during development and testing of the Reporter facility itself, to avoid "class is in use" errors.

Currently available documentation:

Related outstanding issues and tasks (* indicates it can wait):

General conventions:

Change history:

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