XFormDBF Help

Files Page

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The Files page specifies the input and output tables for the transformation to be run.  The contents of these tables, if they exist, are displayed in a pair of read-only grids.  A pushbutton allows you to modify or create a new output table structure via VFP's Table Designer.  Another pushbutton lets you Clone a template output table associated with the current configuration.  (This template output file is specified on the Options page.)  The Files page includes the following controls:

Input File button and textbox
Use the Input File to select the table that will be used as the source of records to be transformed.  If you pick an existing table, it is opened and its contents displayed in the Input Grid below.  You can also specify a file name that doesn't yet exist, for use in a later job.  If you Escape or Cancel from the dialog to pick an input file, the previous setting is restored.  Note that the Input File button and textbox are disabled if XFormDBF was launched with an overriding input filename argument.

The accompanying read-only textbox displays the path of the input file associated with the current configuration.  You can edit this path directly in the textbox by double-clicking, and you can enter a relative path by this method.

Input grid
When the input table is open, its contents are displayed in the upper grid (read-only).  The Test command button runs the transformation against only the currently selected input record in this grid.  The current and maximum record number are dynamically displayed in the status bar prompt message area as you navigate through the grid  (if the status bar is turned on).

Output File button and textbox
Use the Output File button to select a destination table for the output of the transformation.  You can also specify a file name that doesn't yet exist, for use in a later job.  If you Escape or Cancel from the dialog to pick an output file, the previous setting is restored.  Note that the Output File button and textbox are disabled if XFormDBF was launched with an overriding output filename argument.

The accompanying read-only textbox displays the path of the output file associated with the current configuration.  You can edit this path directly in the textbox by double-clicking, and you can enter a relative path by this method.

Create/Modify Struct button
Use this button to invoke the VFP Table Designer to create a new output DBF structure or to modify an existing one, whose name is shown in the output file textbox.  Note that this button does not affect the structure of the template output file, which is distinct from the output file displayed on the Files page.

Clone button
Creates or replaces the currently specified output file by copying a template output table.  This button is enabled only if a template output file has been specified for the current configuration, and that table exists.  The Clone button is disabled if the template file is the same as the output file, because you can't copy a file onto itself.  The Clone command provides a convenient way to make use of a library (i.e. a directory) of standard output table formats, which can be further customized for individual jobs by using the Modify Struct command.

Output grid
Displays records in the output table, if it exists.  When you Run or Test a transformation, the generated output records are displayed in this read-only grid.  The current and maximum record number are dynamically displayed in the status bar prompt message area as you navigate through the grid  (if the status bar is turned on).

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