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remote data error

From: pl
Keywords: VFPMisc
Date: 01/14/03
Time: 19:57


Hi all I wrote the following code to access msacceess mdb

cConStr = "DSN=MS Access Database; DBQ=c:\appointment\remotedata\remdata.mdb; DefaultDir=c:\appointment\remotedata; DriverID=25; FIL=myaccess;MaxBufferSize=2048;PageTimeout=5;"


SQLEXEC(1,'Select * from accesspat','remdata') CURSORSETPROP("Tables","accesspat","remdata") CURSORSETPROP('KeyFieldList', 'thekey','remdata') CURSORSETPROP('SendUpdates', .T., 'remdata') CURSORSETPROP('UpdatableFieldList', 'thekey,patname,examdate,sendto')

It works until I try to inert a new record with: INSERT INTO remdat FROM MEMVAR Then I get the message "No update tables are specified. Use the tables property of the cursor"

I've tried hard but I can't undrestand whats wrong Can anyboby PLEASE help me.

Thank you


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