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Version History

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This page summarizes the history of Montage 3.0 program versions, listed chronologically from newest to oldest version.  The online help documentation corresponds to the most recent version listed, near the top of this page.

To determine the version of Montage while it is running, see the About Montage dialog.  Also you can use Windows Explorer to tell the version of a copy of MONTAGE3.EXE, by right-clicking and choosing Properties.  (The "build number" is the third part of the version number, e.g. version 3.0.373.0 is build #373.)

Version 3.0.577, 12/28/2010

This public release is a major update of the most recent prior public release, build 521 of 10/10/2004.  It is a significant update from build 559 of 3/23/2008, which was restricted to registered Montage users.  The changes in this release, relative to build 559, are summarized as follows:

New and improved menu commands

Dynamic fetching refinements

Improved directory organization

Additional runtime libraries

The following new runtime libraries are now included with Montage: MSVCP71.DLL, MSVCR71.DLL, VFP2C32.FLL, VFPCOMPRESSION.FLL, and VFPENCRYPTION71.FLL.  These are required to support an enhanced file-picker dialog, and new compression and encryption features.  (If you are updating a previous installation of Montage, download these new runtime library files (in VFP6LIBS.ZIP) and extract them into the Montage program directory.)

Miscellaneous enhancements and fixes

This version (build 577) was released to the general public as a full, self-installing executable, MOSETUP.EXE.  For installation instructions, see notes about the standard setup and updating a previous installation of Montage.  If you are updating a previous installation, be sure to copy the required additional runtime libraries into your Montage program directory.  Also, if you have been keeping any of your data (e.g. montages) in the Montage program directory, consider moving them into your Montage application data directory, for a cleaner directory organization.

Version 3.0.559, 3/23/2008

This is a major update that includes a number of bug fixes, functional extensions, and interface refinements.  New features have been added to improve usability in general, including enhancements to Montage's drag-and-drop capabilities, metafile compaction and portability improvements, keyboard shortcuts, new icon options, plus numerous refinements to menus and various dialogs.  Facilities for creating graphical montages have been significantly extended with the introduction of dynamic Internet fetching and additional wallpaper features.

In addition to the changes summarized below, this release contains a variety of fixes that are detailed more fully in FIX: summary of bugs and problems fixed in Montage build 559, of 3/23/08.  Among the more notable fixes are those relating to occasional drag-and-drop and shutdown problems, relative paths, environment variables, off-screen display issues, and preservation of mixed-case filenames.

dynamic Internet fetching
The new dynamic fetching capability enables missing files to be retrieved transparently across the Internet, and then retained indefinitely for future use as local files.  This feature optionally applies to any sort of Shortcut target document, as well as icons and wallpaper images.  Through dynamic fetching, it is possible to create and distribute graphically rich montages that incorporate large amounts of imagery without directly including the images themselves, thereby greatly reducing the size of the files that need to be distributed and avoiding potential copyright issues.

The new Tools menu provides commands and options related to dynamic fetching, including a new analysis tool for detailed reporting on montage contents and missing/fetchable files, commands to Fetch all missing files immediately or Fetch all with prompt, options for automatic Fetch on Demand, Prompt Before Fetching, and a fetch timeout setting.
Each montage now supports up to 9 alternate wallpapers, which can be cycled through with the F3 and Shift+F3 hot keys, or accessed directly via Alt+number key.  The new Wallpaper submenu of the main View menu includes commands to Insert, Append, Change, or Remove a wallpaper, and the Fit to Wallpaper option dynamically resizes the Montage Desktop window to match wallpaper image dimensions.  (This setting has been added to the Graphical vs Standard group of global options.)  Also, a new option to Hide Shortcuts (F4) enables you to quickly toggle the visibility of all Shortcuts, for an unobstructed view of the background image.
A number of Shortcut refinements have been made, in addition to supporting dynamic fetching.  The capability of dragging and dropping Shortcuts between montages has been enhanced to include numerous Shortcut properties that cannot be represented by standard Windows links.  Also, a new global Shortcuts dialog has been introduced, accompanied by simplifications to the main View menu and Montage Options context menu.  This dialog allows you to perform various actions against all Shortcuts and more easily adjust global options pertaining to icons, style settings, and tips.

New icon related features have been added, including the Icon is Target  and Image is Icon settings for deriving icons directly from target images, the new Pre-Fetch Icons option, and commands to Reset All Icons to Default and Clear Icon Cache.  Options for Shortcut tips have been gathered into a more convenient tab in the new global Shortcuts dialog, and the description field in Shortcut Properties now supports an automatic ("++") substitution mechanism for augmenting tips with basic target information.  A separate page of the global Shortcuts dialog is devoted to Shortcut color and style settings, most of which can also be toggled from the View menu and accompanying hot keys.  The Mouseover Effect (Shift+F4) has been enhanced to display hidden titles as well as borders, and this option is now always enabled.

The Shortcut context menu has been reorganized, adding two new submenus for Icon and Internet options.  The Icon submenu includes new commands to Copy Icon Path, Show URL, Copy URL, and Fetch Icon from URL, and the former "Use Default Icon" command has been renamed Reset Icon to Default.  Under the Internet submenu are commands to Show, Copy, or Fetch the URL corresponding to the Shortcut's target.  Also there is a prominent Fetch Missing Target command, if the target is missing but known to be fetchableAssorted bug fixes and small improvements to the Shortcut Properties dialog are listed in mkb00019.
main menu and Montage Options context menu
Main menu changes have been made under the File, View, Tools, and Help menus.  The View menu has been reorganized, eliminating the obsolete Icon Size submenu, adding the new Wallpaper submenu, and assigning new hot keys to various commands and options.  Save View As... has been moved from the View menu to the File menu.  The new Tools menu supports dynamic fetching features (described above) plus advanced diagnostic commands that were previously under the Help menu.

Changes to the Montage Options context menu include a number of simplifications due to the introduction of the global Shortcuts dialog, which led to the elimination of various redundant actions (Normalize Children, Minimize Children, Send Children to Back, and Close Children) and submenus under the More submenu (All Shortcuts, Shortcut Style, and Shortcut Tips).  Also under the More submenu, the Background submenu includes extensions supporting new wallpaper features (described above), there is a new Internet Fetching submenu, the Advanced submenu has been moved from its previous location, and the Advanced, Auto-Detect Montages option has been moved from the menu into the Shortcuts dialog.  A reorganized More, Window Type submenu adds support for 4 optional border styles.
miscellaneous improvements
The following list summarizes additional enhancements in this release:

This version (build 559) was released to registered Montage users as an update to the runtime executable, MONTAGE3.EXE.  For installation instructions, see notes about quick-setup and updating a previous installation of Montage.

Version 3.0.526, 1/5/2005

This major update introduces a new, graphical style of montage, with transparent Shortcuts superimposed on a background image (wallpaper), providing a more visual way of organizing information.  The following extensions, general enhancements, and bug fixes have been added:

This version (build 526) was released to registered Montage users as an update to the runtime executable, MONTAGE3.EXE.  For installation instructions, see notes about quick-setup and updating a previous installation of Montage.

Version 3.0.521, 10/10/2004

Small refinements:

This version (build 521) was released to the general public as a full, self-installing executable, MOSETUP.EXE.  For installation instructions, see notes about the standard setup and updating a previous installation of Montage.

Version 3.0.520, 9/15/2004

More small fixes and enhancements:

This version (build 520) was released to the general public as a full, self-installing executable, MOSETUP.EXE.  For installation instructions, see notes about the standard setup and updating a previous installation of Montage.

Version 3.0.517, 9/4/2004

This is a major upgrade that enhances Montage's capabilities for launching, monitoring, and controlling diverse applications, supports greater portability, reduces metafile size, and now includes a collection of sample montages.  It includes interface refinements to menus, Shortcuts, and the Shortcut Properties dialog, plus a number of bug fixes.  Here are some of the highlights:

Most of our recent testing has been done under Windows XP, and the initial selection of samples is very small.  (The previous release was tested mainly under Windows 95, and had no sample montages.)  An update of the full Montage setup program, MOSETUP.EXE, will not be made until more extensive testing and debugging is done across all versions of Windows, and a larger set of samples has been prepared.

This version (build 517) was released to registered Montage users as an update to the runtime executable, MONTAGE3.EXE.  For installation instructions, see notes about quick-setup and updating a previous installation of Montage.

Version 3.0.373, 2/11/2003

A minor program update, but immediately noticeable: adds sound effects and window activation options relating to view restoration, i.e. what happens when you open a montage.  Instead of bringing the Montage Desktop window to the foreground, the default behavior has been changed to leave the Desktop window initially behind any associated external application windows that it launches, instead generating a distinctive chimes sound to indicate when the view restoration has completed.

There is a new On Restoration submenu of the Desktop Options context menu, with a toggle to specify whether the Desktop window should be brought forward (as it was previously).  Also under the same submenu are options to toggle the sound ON or OFF, to use the default sound (CHIMES.WAV), or to select any other .WAV file (e.g. from the Windows Media directory) as the custom sound for this montage.

This version (build 373) was released to the general public as a full, self-installing executable, MOSETUP.EXE.  For installation instructions, see notes about the standard setup and updating a previous installation of Montage.

Version 3.0.369, 1/20/2003

The original public release of Montage 3.0.

This version (build 369) was released to the general public as a full, self-installing executable, MOSETUP.EXE.  For installation instructions, see notes about the standard setup and updating a previous installation of Montage.

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Montage Help page, last edited: 12/31/10 16:20
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