Top Movie Lists

Our list of highly recommended movies (very good or better) has grown to almost 500, and we’ve listed an additional 500+ movies that are better than just plain good. Of course, that’s just our opinion, but if you happen to agree with our chief critic, Rusty the Prospector, you’re in luck! Rusty’s 2-digit ratings are now displayed on thousands of movie info pages.

Just for kicks, and to make Movie-Mine’s lists more manageable, we’ve added sub-lists broken down both by decade and by genre. These sub-lists provide a quick, concise view with optional thumbnails and titles linking directly to the corresponding detail pages. To spice things up, each sub-list page has a carousel of relevant movie images, newly selected every day.

Whether or not you’re interested in Rusty’s recommendations, you may find our new resource page helpful: A List of Top Movie Lists. This page includes links to many notable top movie lists from highly respected sources on a number of reputable sites. These references are organized into three major sections:

Since this is a rather large collection of links, we’ve provided some handy navigational mechanisms to aid perusal of the list. Have fun!