sample post in “Quote” format

Here’s the text of a sample posting in Quote format.  Under the Twenty Eleven theme (as usual), this format is rendered in the same way as a Standard form posting, except that it adds the heading “QUOTE” above the post title in the entry for this post that appears in the main blog page and applicable archive pages.

What says about this format:

quote – A quotation. Probably will contain a blockquote holding the quote content. Alternatively, the quote may be just the content, with the source/author being the title.

One thought on “sample post in “Quote” format”

  1. The preceding post, originally created under the Twenty Eleven theme, is now being displayed under the Twenty Fourteen theme. Here is a summary of changes due to updating to the newer theme:

    • As with other formats of posts, the category is now displayed above the text, in all caps, both in the blog page and the post page.
    • The blog entry for a Quote type post now displays date and comment bubble above the text, below the category heading.
    • A graphical Quote indicator is now included to the left of the posting date, and this links to a page of all Quote type postings. (This indicator also now appears in the corresponding post page.)
    • The post title is no longer displayed either in the blog or in the posting page, as it was previously.

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