Tag Archives: post format

WordPress posting formats

sample post in “Standard” format

This is the default posting format, using WordPress 3.4.2 with the default Twenty Eleven theme.  Note the prominent font used to display the post title, and the bubble at the right of the title in the entry for this post on the main blog page.  If there are comments, the bubble displays the number of comments, and it links to the place where comments are listed and a form is provided for entry of new comments, on a separate page devoted to this single posting.  The original post date is automatically shown below the title, and you can see the exact time of this posting by hovering the mouse over the date.  (This date and time correspond to the initial posting, not to any further updates that may have been made to the post.)  On the main blog page, the post title links to its corresponding page, and this link is also attached to the posting date displayed below the title.

Below the text of the post, there is another automatically generated line of information, which shows the categories and tags that have been assigned to this post.  The main blog page doesn’t display the author, but this is shown on the separate page for this post (with a link to the archive page of all posts by that author).

(See http://codex.wordpress.org/Post_Formats for more about available posting formats.)